
シャーロック・ホームズ、赤毛連盟 [英語学習]


* はじまり、ワトソンがかたる
I went back to the dear old haunting Bakerstreet for a visitor. There he was. Sitting with him is a very stout florid face gentleman with firery red hair I've ever seen in all my life。

Sherlock: Watson, My dear Watson
Watson: I'm sorry, Holmes, I'm afraid you are engaged.
S: So I am, so I am, it's exactly what I meant.
S: Mr. Wilson permit me to introduce my good friend Watson.
W: Glad to meet you, Mr. Wilson

* 依頼客ウィルソン氏の紹介
S: I think, Mr. Wilson ... Mr. Javis Wilson, Watson, who has this moment appears, what promise, to be stranger cases we've ever encountered.

* ウィルソン氏の素性をあてる
S: Personally blazing red hair might ... nothing indeed unusual about Mr. Wilson. Be not, of course, obvious fact that he has sometime manual labour, that he's been to China and he's done considerable amount of writing lately.
Wi: Upon my soul, Mr. ... How did you know that ? I am mentioning the single word.
S: Where is Mr. Wilson at least comunicated with all things.
Wi: Yes, but ...
S: Your right hand is quite a size larger than your left for instace. Musle's more developed.
Wi: Where it is. True is gospel. I began as ship's carpenter and how ...
W: Ah ha ha, you have to forgive him, Mr. Wilson It's a habit of his O o same, Holmes You mentioned writing.
S: Well, what else pensively explains that shiny right cuffes ? Watson And the left one with the smooth patch nearly elbow where you rest on the desk.
W: Ah ha ha, all right and all right. But China, Holmes
S: Simplest of all, fish there tatooed on Mr Wilson's right wrist. Well, I made a small study on tatoo mark. That trick of steaming the fish scale of delicate pink is quite peculiar to China.
Wi: Ah ha ha, upon my soul and I thought it first. You've done something clever. Mr. Holmes I never made nothing in it after all.
W: amen noton prome difico. Holmes, your reputation will suffer ship ... keep you always so candid

* 赤毛連盟のこと
S: Ah ha ha, however, problem, Mr. Wilson, problem you are showing me the advisement. Here it is,Watson Then look at it yourself.
W: It's from the Moring Chronicle. Now staple you see that blister store to be door. "to the redheaded leage on account of the bequest of the late Edicaire Hopkins there is now another vacancy open all red heade men who are sound in body and mind are eligible Apply in person on Monday 11 o'clock to Dunkan Loss at the office of the league, 7 Portcourt, Fleet street."
S: Ah ha ha. Splendid, splendid isn't it ? Watson
W: Yes, but, uh, what does it mean all of the words ?

* おわりまでの説明
この奇妙な告知から、ウィルソン氏は赤毛連盟の事務所にゆく。髪の毛を突然引っぱられるという手強い審査の後、見事に合格。百科事典の項目を書きうつすだけで高給という幸運をえる。よろこび事務所にかようが、百科事典の「A」の項目がおわる頃、突然、赤毛連盟は解散する。これで途方にくれたウィルソン 氏がホームズに相談にきた。やっと事件の幕が切っておとされる。


* 感想

* 英語学習
微妙なところをかたる。例とするのは「red headed league」である。私は必死になって音を追いかけた。真似た。そこで気づいたことである。発音の音圧がゆがんだ正規曲線のように変化するといった。これはそのとおりだが、例えば、「red」だ。




ここの「red headed league」の発音は相当にはやい。おくれてしようがない。そうおもったら。このことをかんがえるといい。

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